



Architectural design




The project is located at the intersection of Suzhou east street and Liyushan road in the new urban area of Urumqi, with a total floor area of about 200000 square meters. It includes two high-end twin office towers with a height of 150m and a large shopping center with a floor area of nearly 60000 square meters. It will gather new business forms such as leisure, shopping, catering, entertainment, etc., and build into a one-stop lifestyle center for young people in Urumqi.
The design concept of the building comes from the beautiful skyline of Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang. The tall and straight Twin Towers adopt the oblique cutting treatment of Tianshan Mountains at the top of the tower, breaking the rigid volume of the tower, creating a light and lively image. In the plane treatment, the waist closing treatment is adopted to make the proportion of the tower more beautiful and upright.
The design of the commercial podium is more lively, avoiding the sense of depression to the city and pedestrians. The boundary and distance between the building and the city are blurred by the way of building gray space. The external facade of the podium is divided by the way of body block, combining with various elements such as stone, curtain wall and LED screen, and striving to create a shining commercial shopping space and environment of the night city.
The interior design of the commercial public area abstracts the traditional elements of the great bazaar in Urumqi, and expresses them in the modern design vocabulary, presenting the humanistic trend of the international design regionalization.