Aug. 30, 2020
HATCH Notice | Preview of Shanghai Zhangjiang Landsea Center Renovation
China's urban development is gradually entering the era of stock activation, and "urban renewal" and "stock transformation" have become a hot topic with sustained influence. Hatch, together with Landsea Green Fir Capital, is exploring the existing office market in Shanghai Zhangjiang High Tech Park, known as "Silicon Valley of China", and transforming a new green office landmark.

"The renovation of existing building is not just to create a modern facade, but to meet the needs of the new era from the inside to the outside, from hardware to software, from function to form. Only in this way can we really activate the life and vitality of a building."
- David Wei, Co founder & Design Director of HATCH

The ‘blockbuster' will be released in late September!
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